Welcome to our website from Aldoricka!

My name is Dorothy Bailey, I have been breeding and showing Cavalier King Charles Spaniels for over forty years with the help of my husband, Derrick.
Our Successful small kennel based in West Yorkshire, now includes King Charles Spaniels and Japanese Chins. Over the years I have gained valuable experience of these lovely breeds and having passed the required qualifications I am now a judge at shows. Please take a look around my website and have a look at my latest News.
Some of Our Proud Moments...

Aldoricka the Maverick and Asmena Tinkerbell at Aldoricka winning first prize at Crufts 2013.

Maibee Margot at Aldoricka won first Challenge Certificate at Leeds Championship Show.

Pochinka Edward Bear at Aldoricka was the winner of the Japanese Chin, Veteran Dog class at Crufts 2015.